intertidal zone
my plan for my website is to have an archive of my photos and essays, to post diary entries and other miscellanious thoughts, and to have an interactive question every week. we'll see where it goes. i'm nothing if i can't toss my thoughts out into the void of online.
everything on here is a work in progress for the time being, i'm going to add a blog and an image gallery at some point, and hopefully a guestbook (but that might be a lot of work.)
i think everyone should check out the yuri visual novel seabed. it's only about 25 hours long, so not too intimidating of a read. to be honest the art style is a little ugly, but it gets a 10/10 from me in spite of that because it's so well done in every other way. i felt completely immersed into the lives of these characters for the short period of time i spent with them. it made me sob.